Male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness is a common form of hair loss which many men will experience in some way. The clinical term for male pattern baldness is androgenic alopecia. It will usually take between 15 and 25 years to go bald, but the process can be a lot quicker for some men.

Up to 80% of men will have some degree of hair loss by the age of 70. Around 3 in 10 men aged 30 years and half of men aged 50 have significant hair loss.

At IHYA Clinic in Birmingham, we understand that hair loss in men can be extremely emotionally upsetting and this is why we have extensively researched and now offer some of the most effective, clinically-proven, non-surgical treatments for this condition.

Causes of male pattern hair loss / baldness

Hair is made within hair follicles, which are tiny ‘pouches’ just under the surface of the skin. A hair will normally grow from each follicle for around 3 years, after which it is shed and a new hair grows from the follicle. This cycle of growth, shedding and new growth will continue throughout life. However, there are several factors which can hinder this cycle:

  • Affected hair follicles on the scalp start to become smaller than normal
  • As the hair follicles shrink in size, each new hair that grows is thinner than the previous one.
  • Prior to falling out, each new hair grows for much less time than the normal 3 year period.
  • Eventually, what remains is a much smaller hair follicle and thin, short stump of hair that does not grow past the skin’s surface.

Symptoms of male pattern hair loss / baldness

Male hormones are responsible for causing these changes as the cells within the skin of the scalp convert testosterone into another hormone, called dihydrotestosterone. The affected hair follicles become more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone which can cause the hair follicles to shrink.

There are of course, other medical reasons for male pattern hair loss, such as a poor diet, vitamin deficiencies, trauma such as major surgery and genetics.

Treatments for male pattern hair loss / baldness

Our non-surgical injectable, device-led treatments, coupled with products and supplements to use at home, can help you to improve the symptoms of your male pattern hair loss and see impressive results, without resorting to surgery.

Our treatments include:

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