Muscle Loss

Losing muscle mass is normal as we get older and regular moderate exercise can assist with keeping muscles toned and strong.

However, abnormal muscle loss can be caused by a number of factors, from malnutrition, autoimmune disease such as HIV/AIDs or an eating disorder. Muscle loss can also be a sign of chronic disease or a mental health issue.

At IHYA in Birmingham, we understand the physiological and psychological effects that muscle loss or muscle wastage can cause, and offer a revolutionary treatment called EMSculpt Neo, to build muscle as well as burn unwanted fat.

Common causes of muscle loss

  • Hyperthyroidism – an overactive thyroid is a fairly common condition. It’s caused by an excess of the thyroid hormone, which can lead to symptoms of hyperexcitation, such as a rapid heartbeat or tremors.
  • Anorexia Nervosa – this eating disorder presents as 3 main symptoms – someone with Anorexia has an intense fear of gaining weight, they restrict food, leading to significant weight loss and they may have body dysmorphia (a distorted view of their own body, thinking that they are overweight when they aren’t).
  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus) – this virus attacks the immune cells of the body, responsible for fighting infection. Someone with HIV experiences a weakened immune system, leaving the body at risk of developing other infections and diseases.
  • Mitochondrial Myopathies – these are a range of neuromuscular diseases, caused by damage to mitochondria. Symptoms can include an intolerance to exercise and muscle weakness.
  • ALS – this condition affects the nerve cells of the body. This can lead to loss of control over muscle function. Symptoms of ALS include muscle cramps, weakness or twitches.
  • Cushing’s Syndrome (hypercortisolism) – this condition is caused by unusually high levels of the hormone cortisol, within the body. If you have too much of this steroid hormone, it can cause excessive weight gain, stretch marks and a likelihood of easy bruising. Cushing’s Syndrome can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Recovery from surgery – when we injure a limb or several limbs, and have to spend time either resting, in plaster or going through recovery, our muscles can lose their bulk and laxity, leading to muscle weakness and a reduction in muscle size.

Treatments for muscle loss – EMSculpt Neo

EMSculpt Neo uses HIFEM and radiofrequency energy to encourage fat loss and an increase in muscle mass, in one painless treatment.

Following an initial consultation and medical history check, your IHYA practitioner will discuss your tailored treatment plan and expected results.

Our treatments for muscle loss

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