Anti-wrinkle treatments and skin boosters

Dynamic wrinkles and expression lines come to us all and many of us would prefer not to head down the road of invasive surgery to combat this issue. At Ihya, we offer wrinkle-smoothing injections and skin boosters, to help you regain a youthful appearance and beautiful skin.

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Treatments for the face

Wrinkle-smoothing injections

Commonly referred to as Botox® injections, this treatment involves the use of a substance called Botulinum Toxin Type A.

Botox® is actually one of a handful of trusted brands which are regularly used by medical professionals. Other brands include Azzalure and BoCouture. When injected into specific areas of the face, wrinkle-smoothing injections block the nerve signals which cause dynamic movements of the facial muscles and thus, expression lines. This treatment is one of the most popular injectable treatments for reducing wrinkles, and it’s a very quick procedure, usually taking around 20 minutes.

No numbing creams are needed for this treatment, as the needles used are extremely fine. There are very few side effects and the results can be seen in as little as 48 hours.

With regular treatments, patients can even prevent the onset of future expression lines and wrinkles. We recommend no more than 3 wrinkle-smoothing injection treatments in any 12 month period and tend to find our patients benefit mostly from 2 treatments per year to maintain results.

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Which wrinkles can be treated with Botox®?

The most commonly treated dynamic lines which are treated by Botox® injections include:

  • Crow’s feet (lines around the eyes)
  • Glabellar lines (the 2 vertical lines that can sometimes develop between the eyebrows)
  • Forehead lines
  • Bunny lines (lines which form across the sides of the nose)

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Other areas / conditions that can sometimes be treated with Botox® injections:-

  • Gummy smile
  • Square jaw (teeth grinding)
  • Downturned mouth
  • Chin cobbles
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) on the face, back, underarms, hands and feet
  • Migraines

Dermal fillers?

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are arguably the most versatile of the ‘injectables’ range and can offer results that can be compared to those achieved with some surgical procedures. Dermal fillers are gel-like substances in a range of viscosities and contain Hyaluronic Acid, one of the main components of healthy and youthful skin and bodily tissues. When injected using either a needle or a cannula, the gel-style substance helps to plump the skin tissues, re-shape areas such as the cheeks, nose, chin and jawline and even lift facial sagging. Results can be seen straight away, but as dermal fillers displace the skin tissues when injected, a small amount of swelling and bruising can be experienced, following your procedure (a topical anaesthetic is used to minimise your discomfort during a dermal filler treatment). Therefore we advise to wait around 2 weeks, before expecting to see the final result. As the Hyaluronic Acid holds up to 1000 times its own weight in water, it will, over time help to moisturise and hydrate dehydrated and crêpey skin. The longevity of your results will be determined by the type of treatment you undergo, the product used and your own metabolism of the product. However, with many facial sculpting filler treatments, you can expect results to last anything up to 12 months.

Skin boosters

What are skin boosters?

Skin boosters are what industry professionals refer to as ‘liquid skincare’. Many contain high levels of Hyaluronic Acid and some contain other ingredients such as essential vitamins and other skin loving substances like peptides or Arginine. Skin boosters tend to be administered in a series of treatment sessions, usually 3 or 4, around 2 to 4 weeks apart. Skin boosters are ideal if you are looking for an overall improvement in your skin’s tone, texture and resilience and younger patients who may not yet need dermal fillers, love the effects that skin boosters have on their complexion. More mature patients also benefit from this treatment as it offers a very natural looking result. A topical anaesthetic is usually required and the skin boosters are administered via a needle, in to several points of the skin. Skin boosters can also be used on areas that suffer in the sun, such as the decolletage and the hands. Results tend to be seen around 4 weeks after the first treatment session and can last anything from 6 to 12 months. Top up sessions every 6 months will help to maintain the results.

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What is Profhilo® ?

Profhilo® is an Italian manufactured skin bio re-modelling substance with 2 types of Hyaluronic Acid. Unlike dermal fillers, it does not augment the skin tissues, but works with the skin on a cellular level, to repair, hydrate and smooth. Each Profhilo® treatment consists of 5 injection points, each side of the face, so that a full face effect is achieved. Profhilo® is usually recommended as a course of 2 or 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart, for optimum results. It takes around 4 weeks from the first session to start to notice results and over time, the skin becomes smoother, less lined, lifted and refreshed. Many patients comment that Profhilo® gives a more dewy glow to the skin and that they look as if they are well rested and revitalised. A topical anaesthetic is used prior to this treatment, to minimise discomfort. However, expect to feel some stinging sensations as the product is of a honey like consistency, so can be a little uncomfortable when injected. Some slight bumps can be seen following the treatment, but these fade within a few hours. There is no downtime to this treatment and you can return to your daily activities immediately afterwards, though you will need to follow your IHYA practitioner’s aftercare advice, as with all injectable procedures. Results can last up to 12 months, following this procedure with 6 monthly maintenance sessions advised.

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Am I suitable for anti-wrinkle treatments at Ihya?

Prior to agreeing upon any injectable treatment here at Ihya, and as part of our duty of care to all our patients, we will ask that you attend a no obligation consultation and skin analysis with one of our medical team.

You can discuss what is bothering you about your skin, the treatments that are available and any medical conditions you might have.

Once we are satisfied that an anti-wrinkle injectable treatment will be suitable and safe for you to undergo, you can book your appointment for your chosen procedure.

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